Blog Archive

Monday 26 October 2009

Ticket Give-Aways for CARBON BLACK

In conjunction with our upcoming world premiere production of Terry Gomez's Carbon Black, we will be giving away free tickets to the first five new people who sign up to follow our blog and who post a comment with their email addresses*. Simply click on the button to your right to follow us and I will be in touch with our lucky winners personally to take their reservations. 

*Email addresses will not be published or added to any mailing lists. They will only be used to contact the winners.

Although this offer is only good for new followers to our blog, more opportunities for free tickets will be introduced on:

Wednesday, October 28
Friday, October 30
Monday, November 2
Wednesday, November 4, and
Friday, November 6

There are plenty of chances to win so check back on the above dates for more info.
(Hint: you may want to start following us on Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter to increase your chances of winning)

Good luck to you all and I'll be in touch!

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