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Sunday 26 September 2010

Spa Girl Discovered her Dosha

It is always interesting to see what others have to say about their favourite spa experiences, and which in fact are the most preferred. Travel + Leisure's 2010 World's Best Destination Spas was a great opportunity to scan the globe for those amazing get-aways and while doing so, I discover my Dosha.

A dosha is one of three bodily humors that make up one's constitution according to Ayurveda. These teachings are also known as the Tridosha system.

The central concept of Ayurvedic medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily humours or doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

• Vāta or Vāyu (wind) is the impulse principle necessary to mobilize the function of the nervous system. It affects the windy humour, flatulence, gout, rheumatism, etc.

• Pitta (bile) is the bilious humour, or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen, heart, eyes, and skin; its chief quality is heat. It is the energy principle which uses bile to direct digestion and hence metabolism into the venous system.

• Kapha (phlegm) is the body fluid principle which relates to mucous, lubrication and the carrier of nutrients into the arterial system.

All Ayurvedic physicians believe that these ancient ideas, based in the knowledge discovered by the Rishis and Munis, exist in harmony with physical reality. These Ayurvedic concepts allow physicians to examine the homeostasis of the whole system. People may be of a predominant dosha or constitution, but all doshas have the basic elements within them.

To find out your dosha, take the dosha quiz.
One of the top ten listed Spa’s is The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, in Carlsbad, California. The Chopra Center's philosophy to overall health and wellbeing is the synthesis of the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with the most advanced developments in modern allopathic medicine. Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India and means “The Science of Life”. It is a traditional modality emphasizing prevention of disease, rejuvenation of the body systems and extension of one’s life span. It is grounded in the metaphysics of earth, water, fire, air and ether and stresses the balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Deepak Chopra, M.D., a world-renowned authority in the field of mind-body healing, and David Simon, M.D. opened the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in 1996 “to help people experience physical healing, emotional freedom, and higher states of consciousness”. The Center offers some amazing Spa experiences such as the Odyssey Ayurvedic Massage Treatment, Gandharva Therapy, Shirodhara or the Oshadhi Treatment.

Here is what they have to say…

Although suppressed during years of foreign occupation, Ayurveda has been enjoying a major resurgence in both its native land and throughout the world. Tibetan medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine both have their roots in Ayurveda. Early Greek medicine also embraced many concepts originally described in the classical ayurvedic medical texts dating back thousands of years.

More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vital while realizing their full human potential. Providing guidelines on ideal daily and seasonal routines, diet, behavior and the proper use of our senses, Ayurveda reminds us that health is the balanced and dynamic integration between our environment, body, mind, and spirit.

An important goal of Ayurveda is to identify a person’s ideal state of balance, determine where they are out of balance, and offer interventions using diet, herbs, aromatherapy, massage treatments, music, and meditation to reestablish balance.

Check out these links Spa Girls...

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