Blog Archive

Friday 19 February 2010

Auditions, auditions, auditions

Our Playwrights Retreat and Festival of New Plays are coming up which means we have auditions to look forward to! We're constantly on the hunt for new talent and hope that our upcoming set of auditions will not only re-connect us with old friends but introduce us to some new ones too.

San Diego Auditions
Tuesday, February 23 from 5:30p - 8:30p
Actors Alliance San Diego
2650 Truxton Road, Suite 203 San Diego 92106

Los Angeles Auditions
Saturday, March 13 from 10a - 1p
Wells Fargo Theatre, Autry National Center
4700 Western Heritage Way Los Angeles 90027

To schedule an audition appointment, please email or call 619-994-0121. Please include your name, tribal affiliation (if applicable), email address, and phone number.

A detailed description of the plays and available roles appear below. Please note that these auditions also serve as general auditions for the company itself so if you don't find a role that suits you, come on down anyways - you never know what can happen!

Break a leg!

The 2010 Playwrights Retreat will be held from Monday, May 31 through Monday, June 7 at San Diego State University with performances at the La Jolla Playhouse on Saturday, June 5 and Sunday, June 6 and at the Autry National Center on Saturday, June 26 and Sunday, June 27. This year’s plays feature works by Marie Clements, Jack Dalton, Allison Warden, and Dawn Jamieson.

Tombs of the Vanishing Indian, by Marie Clements (Métis), directed by Yvette Nolan (Algonquin)
A contemporary tragedy that converges the dreams, blood, and tears of three separated Indian sisters against the political, cultural, and social currents of 1970's Los Angeles.

JANEY, female, Native, early 20s, a delicately beautiful street woman, fragile but tough
MIRANDA, female, Native, mid 20s, a Hollywood star wanna-be, naïve but strong-willed
JESSIE, female, Native, late 20s, a striking looking woman, smart and capable but bound
DR. HANSEN, male, non-Native, late 30s, good looking and logical, in control of his room
BOB STILLS, male, non-Native, mid 40s, stereotypical director, once golden, he’s seen better days
DETECTIVE FULLEN, male, non-Native, late 40s, quirky but intelligent and compassionate
THE MOTHER, female, Native, also plays THE LONE WOMAN (a 50-something Gabrielino Woman from the 1800s), RUTH (a Jewish/ Indian patient in her mid 40s), and SARAH (an 18-year old Indian patient)

Time Immemorial, by Jack Dalton (Yup'ik) and Allison Warden (Inupiaq), directed by Jere Hodgin
Long, long ago, there was the light. And then there were Tulu and Miti. And then… history happened. A dramatic play portraying the entire history of an Inupiaq village on the North Slope of Alaska.

There are two cast members in this play (TULU and MITI), each portraying several characters, switching genders. There is one male and one female though it doesn’t matter which gender plays which of the two roles.

On the Mangled Beam, by Dawn Jamieson (Cayuga), directed by Stephen Metcalfe
Before and beyond the building of the World Trade Center, the contributions Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) ironworkers made to the building and rebuilding of New York City is legendary. This is the story of the heroic efforts they achieved in the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy and of the women who courageously stood beside them.

GREG LINDEN, male, Native, mid-20s, bright and ambitious politician, wants to get ahead no matter what
BECKY DAVIS, female, Native, mid 20s, ready to spread her wings, not totally innocent
DAVE MARTIN, male, Native, late 20s, hot-headed bad boy, estranged from his family
BRAD MARTIN, male, Native, early 40s, mentor to young iron workers, trying to kick alcohol addiction
JESS SHARP, male, Native, early 40s, cynical ne’er do well, iron worker by day, smuggler by night
FERN MARTIN, female, Native, early to mid 40s, involved in tribal politics though not a politician
SAL PETRINO, male, non-Native, early to mid 40s, perennially unlucky crane cable operator
JOE LINDEN, male, Native, mid 50s, smuggler with a deadpan sense of humor

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