Blog Archive

Thursday 31 December 2009


Wow, yes I’m still alive… kind of.  HA. Between the sudden snow in and the pneumonia-ish cold/flu (lovely made up word there) I feel like I’ve been out of the blogging world forever.

Can you believe the year is almost over? I think I’m partly to blame, I mean after all I did start planning for Christmas this year back in August September. Something about the economy just really pushed me to want that feeling of togetherness and family that Christmas brings. The downside to that is now I am feeling that urge to clean, organize, and de-clutter much earlier than usual.

I am really hoping the New Year brings GOOD changes, not only on a life level but in decor as well.

Yes kitchen, I’m lookin at you!

I’ve got this drab “builder basic” kitchen that is really screaming for some lovin and a honey who can help do it.

Speaking of husbands, do any of you know how hard it is to try and write a blog post with your husband reading the latest TSA memo in your ear! Visions of the teacher on Charlie Brown should really come to mind. I finally had to politely stop and inform him that I hadn’t heard a single word he had just said. I suppose that is kind of a lie since it sounded something like “mummmble djeisd mm heusss zzzzzz djeu syringe diehsik yuuuuuuuuu reudssss zzzzz”, needless to say it was kind of like trying to concentrate with a bee buzzing in my ear. HA, and they say we sound like that. Love you honey, thanks for reading my blog *smile*

I hope all of you have a great and safe New Years Eve and a blessed New Year.


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